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You are not her, she is not you !
You are beautiful in your own way!
Nothing is more disheartening than being unnecessarily ashamed or worried about your appearance. It's a very hard thing to assess objectively. When someone says something negative about you or another individual, it is often a better representation of themselves and their insecurities, than of the person whom they are being negative towards.
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Body shaming is the action or practice of humiliating someone by  making critical comments on their body shape and size.
Body shaming is one of the biggest problems in today’s generation. Society doesn't just find humor in degrading a woman's body; they also find humor in degrading a man's body. Body shaming has become a problem for both genders.
 People take their own insecurities and aim them at other people to make themselves feel better about their own body. Body shaming, while common in both genders, is especially harmful to women.
The youth, teens who has dreams of achieving their goals, who are also trying to make maximum use of the time they have , are getting demotivated and paused for a while because of their body.
Basically, Nobody chooses the body they have. They might be buckling down to see a change in their bodies. And here are we, who constantly keeps bullying them for their body types. Not only them who are fat are being bullied ,but also who are skinny. Women are often told that they are ‘lucky’ to face jokes on being skinny because it’s so much better than being called fat. But for women who have often had their bodies compared to those of men, or worse, sticks, the psychological impact is substantially the same. Just like a woman should never be made to feel bad about being ‘overweight’ by society’s standards, she should definitely not be made to feel any lesser for being ‘underweight’. We regularly come across few situations like, when individuals are confident in their own bodies or proud of their transformation, they tend to tease, bully or start humiliating others who are not. This is because they’ve failed to meet the mark which they’ve setted. 

Is body shaming only about being fat or skinny ?

No, its also about being too tall and too short. They have their own problems too. Short height shaming is the most common problem that we see daily.It is discriminated against like it is the biggest problem. People often say alot of things despite of knowing the fact that they are not PHYSICALLY FIT too. But they enjoy, find happiness in humiliating others .

"you must wear heels daily"!              "how are you identified in a group?"
"why are you so small?"              " you can never wear heals, how sad! "
" it is difficult for you to find a man for yourself"     " you are too tall and skinny , you dont look good at all".
" will you eat anything ?"  " u look like a stick , eat more"
" stop eating so much, you are becoming too fat "     " can u run fast ?"


Short or Tall, Fat or Skinny, fair or black,you are going to be mistreated and jugded by your looks all the time, which is the most common and biggest problem !!! Apart from these, there are also people who are being bullied by their facial features, facial hair and many more.


Widen your eyes not to see their physcial appearance , but to see their inner beauty and inner personality of who they are!! Identify them for who they are ,not for how they are looking!
Encourage them to become a better version of themselves which helps them in transforming their bodies. But, do not criticize them or demotivate them by looking at their bodies.
Try to look at the progressive way of growing and uplifting each other, rather than humiliating  each other. 
Make sure that no one is being judged by their physical appearance, but by their inner personality.
 We should be motivating, supporting, and encouraging each other. Body shaming is an issue that will not be solved unless everyone learns how to accept their own body.
Accept the fact that everyone is beautiful in their own way. Let us respect everyone for what they are and who they are and extend some kindness and empathy towards others when we see their flaws. The first step towards stopping body shaming is to start with yourself.



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