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"The quality of our waking up decides the energy level for the day."

I’ve been always told by my parents that waking up at 4 am has many advantages, which brings a lot of changes in your physical and mental health.
I am an early bird who likes to wake up early and knowing that it does good to my body and mind. I used to put alarms at 4 , but switching it off and sleeping again was my routine.
And my parents never needed alarm to wake up. I always wonder that how much control they have over their self.
So, now let me tell you some deeper mysteries of how the mind works when it is activated earlier than usual.

What’s so special about waking up at 4 am?

It is the time of "Brahma muhurta "!!
It also means, the time of the creator.

What is Brahma muhurta?

 Brahma muhurta is the auspicious hours of 4:00-5:30 am or about one and a half hours prior to sunrise. In the Vedic tradition, this period is considered as the ideal time / auspicious time for spiritual practices like prayer and meditation, worship or any other religious practices. The spiritual activities performed early in the morning have a greater effect than in any other part of the day, as some cosmic energies will be present around at that time. Waking up during brahma muhurta also has many health benefits.It is connecting us to nature like  good quality oxygen and calmness in mind.

What happens at that time :

A high level of vital life energy which is necessary for the body is adequately present in the atmosphere.

let me tell you in detail:

We get influenced daily by our family, friends, workplace and our surroundings without knowingly.
so, when we get exposed to air at bramha muhurtha,  whatever negativity or bad influences we go through daily , gets away from us.
For example:
why do we go to temple?
peace right ?!
how can we get peace, even though we can see lot of people right there rushing to darshans ?
how can u become fresh , peaceful and happy and some positivity surrounding you right after you come from temple?

It's because, one main thing every one thinks before going to temple is that, " let me be fresh and calm , because i'm going to temple. My mood shouldn't be disturbed while going to pray god."
that is where , every person will be positive and pure from their hearts.
and god chooses  the place, where there is purity.
so that way, due to his presence , we experience a different feeling of spirit and we get a lot of positive vibes.
 In the same way,
The nature wakes up before than anyone else, it welcomes the sun and sets everything ready for him with her pure heart, just like how we go for temple with pure heart.
So ,there comes purity in the air present, and yeah, god loves to be in the place where he can see the purity.
eventually, his presence makes the air soo fresh,  calm and energetic and gives lot of benefits to our mental and physical health.
Getting exposed to the air itself cleanses your mind and body and removes toxins and negative influences unknowingly, just like how we get influenced daily by our friends our colleauges unkowingly.
beautiful right ??
This is the main significance of brahma muhurtha.

Hence,this time is considered best for attaining brahma gyan, cosmic energies, supreme knowledge and eternal happiness.
At this time, the environment is pure and calm and soothing and the mind is fresh.
Meditation at this time improves mental performance.
We can be able to gain cosmic energies.It is also believed that no black magics and no other powers can do any bad at that time.
It is said and believed that the six chakra's of our body will get activated during this time.

Benefits of brahma muhurtha:
This time is when you are able to gather yourself without cutter. Toxins are removed from the body. When we collaborate the brahma muhurta with a short practice of yoga followed my meditation we become enlightened, awaken and energized.
Drinking water on empty stomach during brahma muhurtha is called usha paan- it helps in detoxifying the body by flushing out metabolic wastes.

 There are some scientific facts behind this time of day too.
According to recent studies, this time of day can add stability especially for those who practice meditation and yoga.Beginning our practice at this hour allows the body to receive information,clarity and emotional stability.
This is also the time when our brains are open and able to receive and translate powerful images.
Scientific research has determined that in this time, the oxygen level in the atmosphere is most (41%), which is beneficial to lungs.Waking up during this time puts us in perfect synchronization to the natural clock.
Whatever you study at that time, will not be forgotten. it will remain in our memory. that's the reason our parents insist us to wake up before the sunrise and learn.

What ever you do during bramha muhurtha, you'll get desired results.
There are a lot of benefits, which one will experience when they do so.
Much lately, i started waking up at 4 am.
Things i noticed change in my mind,happiness and body:
By waking up at 4 , I realised that i have more time on my hands than the rest. It made me happy.
I felt so fresh,free and it really cleansed my mind.
Meditating or doing yoga at that time helped me a lot in becoming a better version of myself.
From then, I started looking at things in a way too positive manner.
My focus, concentration were improved a lot.
I also used to study at the time of exams, waking up at 4 and that really helped me a lot more than struggling with night outs.
 I also got to know that "Inspiration normally comes during the divine hour".
There are also lot of changes that i observed other than these.
from then, i started beliving that , "YOU ARE YOUR SUPER POWER".


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