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(Quarantine thoughts- Part 2):

So, on an average, this is the clock most of us are following.
Binging on Netflix/prime, is we all want to do without restrictions.
Been watching people on Instagram putting stories on how they are spending their quarantine. Just sharing few of them:
Software employees are bound to work from their homes.
Few are busy taking care of household chores.
Few are becoming chefs.
Watching old movies with parents.
Playing indoor games.
And the clock keeps repeating itself.
This is what we’ve been doing since a month or more.


But, apart from these, what more can this quarantine be to us?

May be the quarantine is just what you need to improve your life, career and future:
It’s not an understatement that the quarantine has changed the way we live our lives.
Though it has changed our lives a lot, it doesn’t mean that things will get worse. In fact, this extra time at home might be what all you need to start building better habits, to improve your lives.
 And yes, we are getting slow down. But it is giving us time to process the world around us. Reflect our lives. Think more clearly and honestly about the decisions that we make in our lives and how those decisions affect our jobs, careers, financial stability and, of course, our happiness.
We do all have our routines, we have comfort zones as well.   But the idea of spending quality time in those comfort zones is all we need.

How can quarantine help us do that?

It is giving us chance to make time for ourselves:
Most of us lead incredibly busy lives, and we rarely make time for ourselves.
First step to make changes in our lives is to recognize that there is a problem and we should take time and think so that we can get better.
Take time for yourself, assess, learn and start again.
Explore the guilt.
  Take time to know about yourself, your desires, needs, wishes, flaws, thoughts and everything.
Try to make yourself clarified and light up confidence.
Talk to your family and mentors and figure out what is that you really want to do with your life.
This time is encouraging us to get creative:
When our routines get messed up, we are forced to adjust and make new ones on the spot,
unlike now. Try new things or start doing those things you’ve always wanted to try. And this may be your opportunity to start letting your creative juices flow and to try your hand at new things.

Dance, art, paint, sing.
Decorate your house.
Start those side projects you always wanted to try.
Save your expenses.
Start building skills for your career.
This time is helping us building relations:

 It is giving us the opportunity to reconnect with friends whom you haven’t seen in years, and these connections can spark amazing new ideas and future goals.
Reconnect with people and learn new skills to help ourselves as we emerge once again back into society when things calm back down.

More than binging on Netflix, use this time for your career transformation. Bring out that amazing child in you, do things that you always wanted to do as a child, which keeps you fresh and enlightened to start your new interests.

  Make maximum use of this time, so that we can develop a lot when we get back to our routine lives. If you’ve been waiting for an opportunity to change your career, this could be the perfect time to start preparing.



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